FAQs about Ream

The TLDR about Ream :)


Last Update 7 maanden geleden

What is Ream?

The subscription platform by fiction authors for fiction authors.

The platform allows writers to build communities around their stories and charge a monthly fee that rewards your readers with early access to your stories, bonus content, access to new stories and your backlist, and even perks like signed books and merchandise.

How much does Ream cost for authors?

Free to get started. We have 10% take rate + payment processing fees. For more click here.

Does Ream have an app?

Yes, we have a mobile app that can be downloaded directly from our site for Android and iOS devices. Here's the link for instructions: https://ream.tawk.help/article/how-to-download-the-ream-app

Is Ream just for romance authors? Is Ream just for fiction?

Ream is supportive of all authors. Our focus is on genre fiction authors, but nonfiction authors are welcome to join the platform. We are also open to all genres of fiction.

What is the difference between Ream and Patreon?

Ream is built by fiction authors for fiction authors and is optimized for an incredible reader experience. You can read our full differences here: https://ream.tawk.help/article/how-does-ream-compare-to-other-subscription-platforms

How can I learn more about subscriptions for authors?

Ream has built a community for authors to learn how to start and grow their subscriptions at Subscriptions for Authors. We have a Facebook Group with 2,500+ authors, a podcast for subscription authors, a free book all about Subscriptions for Authors, a free online summit and fireside chats, and an accelerator for authors serious about growing their subscriptions.

Does Ream have exclusivity agreements?

Ream does not have any exclusive terms for content on the Service.

Authors can post Ream content that they own to additional platforms. Your content distribution and access is an agreement made in good faith between you and your readers. We encourage authors to check with the policies of other retailers, platforms, and their agents/publishers to ensure that they are in good standing to publish on other platforms. 

How much do memberships cost on Ream? How are readers charged for them?

Authors get full freedom to price their memberships on Ream and have full control over the benefits they offer in exchange for membership. Readers are charged for memberships immediately when signing up and are billed again on the same day of the next month. Readers can unsubscribe, upgrade, or downgrade their membership at any time.

How does discoverability work on Ream?

Ream is designed to help authors build a direct-to-reader publishing business. As a result, we are focused on helping authors connect with their existing readers. Discovery features are on our roadmap and we are excited to help authors find readers on Ream in the future.

How do I create an account on Ream? 

You can create a free account right here. Reader accounts can read stories on Ream and become paid members of authors. Author accounts retain all rights of reader accounts and can publish and monetize stories on the platform. 

Reader accounts can be converted into Author accounts with one click on the Settings page.

For more on Author and Reader accounts explore here: https://ream.tawk.help/article/how-do-i-make-an-account-on-ream

Do I have to apply to be an author on Ream?

No, Ream is open and accepting of all authors to publish and share their stories on Ream. We are a platform designed to help you connect directly with your readers and monetize your stories through subscriptions. 

Have more questions?

Feel free to search our help guides, contact us at [email protected], or use the chat window on the bottom right-hand corner. 

We are so grateful to have you here with us!

You can join Ream today as an author or reader at https://reamstories.com/create

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